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I would like to do something for you. For this reason I would like to introduce myself briefly.
My name is Markus Neumeyer, as the author I chose the first name my wife gave me. As "Max" I am now known beyond my family and circle of friends.
A real Viennese
I was born in Vienna in 1976 and attended the Institut Neulandschule Catholic private school in the 10th district of Vienna. I spent my childhood in the most interesting places of the largest district of Vienna: Wienerberg area, Reumannplatz and surroundings and in the area between Laaerberg and Bohemian Prater. I'm a real favorite, even though I haven't lived there for many years.
The performing arts and music already fascinated me in high school. When I was 12, I played everything from theater classics and musicals to a school version of The Nutcracker in the school theater group. Today it would be unimaginable to cast me in a ballet - except maybe as an absolute laughing stock. When I was 16, I formed the melodypunk band Mad Society with my best friends. Within the framework of the possibilities at that time, we could certainly be described as successful. After graduating from high school, Bass played in the hardcore band Hotspurs. I don't want to miss this time. It was just great.
Off to work and back to the stage
I could have gone to university when I was 19, but I decided differently. Pure life had stronger appeals to me and so I started working as a stagehand and stagehand. During this time I made my first experiences with self-employment. Those years ended abruptly. I was 23 when I met my current wife and calmed down a bit. A year later I started my first full-time job: I became a server supervisor in a large Viennese data center - a job that didn't particularly appeal to me. I used the time during the night shifts and started writing. Together with my brother Gernot, our first joint program was created as a cabaret duo Gonzo and Qualle.
In the years 2002 to 2016, a total of four duo cabaret programs and three full-length solo pieces followed, as well as several theater roles and an ensemble membership in a children's theater. I also started working as a freelance editor for an online youth platform. In order to deepen my practical knowledge of the stage and to be able to live out my passion for good stories even more, I studied theater, film and media studies in Vienna from 2005 to 2012. My master's thesis "The Emotional Creativity Theory" was also published as a book after a request from the German academic publisher.
Off to the newspaper office
Because you can't live on air and love alone, even if that would be nice, I had to look for a permanent job after buying a house at the beginning of 2009. It should be something to do with writing. I found what I was looking for in the spring and took over the editing of a local weekly newspaper in the Schwechat district. For three years I reported every week on politics, local affairs, business, sports and celebrities and attended countless workshops at the internal media academy. As part of this more than fulfilling job, I first learned to write properly and at the same time I became proficient in the Adobe Suite, practiced as a press photographer and made my first intensive sales and marketing experiences.
The work as editor-in-chief turned out to be extremely stressful in the third year, mainly because my pay was disproportionate to the actual workload. I quit and started writing another book on day one of my new life."Unemployed, unfortunately awesome" became a humorously honest dropout diary, which was published by the Viennese Karina Verlag. So that I didn't get bored, I decided to deal more with people and did the 6-month training course to become a learning, leisure and vitality coach and even worked for half a year in an elementary school after-school care center .
And then the children came
My wife and I love to travel. We keep raving about our short and long-distance trips, leaf through our old photo books and don't want to simply do without them. However, after our first trip to South Africa (a real dream), we decided to give our lives another, bigger meaning. A child was needed. When Manuel "came to us" I was working as a public relations man for a municipality in Lower Austria. Here, too, I was able to learn a lot and managed to put internal and external communication on a new footing.
My wife is great. The best thing about our long relationship is our ability to change together and adapt our lives to new circumstances. We have already proven several times that we are not afraid of big changes. That applies both professionally and privately, and that's exactly what welded us together like rum and cola. In 2015 we faced another big change - in the house that we bought in 2009 and wanted to bring back to the man or woman. Our new goal: We wanted to live more in harmony with nature, wanted to reduce our footprint and enable our son to have a wonderful childhood in the countryside. After a long search, we decided on a property with a wonderful view in a small, quite remote village in southern Burgenland.
Our little farm
We inherited the home on a 3 acre lot with woodland from a lovely elderly couple. We wanted to gradually prepare the building and the garden and adapt it to our needs. However, all this should be possible without much effort - a wishful thinking. We partially renovated the old walls ourselves, tore down walls, installed new windows and doors and prepared the property for animal husbandry. A year after we moved in we had: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 ducks, 6 chickens & a cowed rooster and 5 alpacas. It was a fresh start like in a cheesy family movie. And it was, as we say so beautifully: A "Murdsdrumhockn". As if that wasn't enough, the second child came with Lilly.
Meine wunderbare Ehefrau und ich beim Herrichten unserer kleinen Farm.
Freundliche aber sehr schüchterne Gesellen, unsere Alpakas
Als die Enten zu uns kamen waren es noch echte Minienten.
Meine wunderbare Ehefrau und ich beim Herrichten unserer kleinen Farm.
Everything is different in the country. We quickly realized that there is more to life in and with nature than a bundle of good resolutions. Just creating a large self-sufficient bed turned out to be a monster task, the soil was just too hard and I was too soft. And then there is the "injustice of nature". We completely ignored this factor in our imagination. The first major storm covered part of our roof. Another storm completely destroyed the newly built greenhouse. After a few months, a registered letter came to the house, the alpaca barn protruded two meters into the grassland and had to be torn down. And to make matters worse, one of our alpacas died right under our noses. Dreadful.
Looking for work
Needless to say, how important money is. Although my wife had a regular job, I also wanted to contribute. I quickly rejected the idea of the alpaca hikes. The animals didn't and didn't want to approach me - let alone hike with me - and I limited my animal contacts to hauling straw and shoveling shit. Money had to come into the house and I started looking for a job. I found what I was looking for in the nearby Loipersdorf thermal baths. I was back where I started: in public relations. As press spokesman and marketing employee of Austria's largest thermal spa, I no longer had time for our dream of animal husbandry. Little by little our livestock found a new home.
One thing was certain: the Rübezahl look had to disappear for the new position. My wife liked that.
I really enjoyed working in the spa office. I knew again why I had chosen the communications industry years ago. So I was able to earn money with my creativity, at least more than in the cultural sector. In the course of this activity, I also became increasingly enthusiastic about advertising and marketing and decided without further ado to try my hand at further studies. After a tip from a colleague, I decided to do a master's degree in "Media, Information and Communication" at the Burgenland University of Applied Sciences. However, my hopes of being accepted vanished as soon as I registered - only 40 of several hundred applicants were to be accepted. I tried anyway, created a professional portfolio and drove to Eisenstadt for the interview. I haven't been nervous about appointments like this for a long time, I'm too old for that, but I still had respect.
Waiting for the call
After the interview, the tremors started, and four weeks later, my cell phone rang while I was in an important meeting. Area code: Eisenstadt. Damned! I excused myself and answered. At the other end of the "line" sat the course leaderdr Michael Roitherand had good news for me: "Mr. Neumeyer, you're in!" At the age of 43, I was accepted as the oldest participant in the two-year part-time course. It should be two busy years! I was blown away.
In the summer of 2019, shortly after our summer vacation in Greece, we as a family once again made one of those quick decisions we were known for. After several minor annoyances and the realization that living in the country does not necessarily mean leaving a smaller carbon footprint, we decided to move back to Vienna after more than 14 years in the country. I prepared my employer for it, wrote my long-planned novel "The fateful death of Albert Lustig" done and applied for educational leave. My studies began in September 2019, now we only had to sell our house and look for a new place to live in the capital. A no brainer, unless a global pandemic is just around the corner.
The following months were extremely exhausting. In addition to studying, which also pushed my young colleagues to their limits, it was important to sell the house, which we managed to do quite quickly. We quickly found our dream apartment on the outskirts of town, but now it was time to wait and pray, because Viennese with a reservation slip have priority in selected apartments. Every further visit made us tremble, but luck was on our side, because due to the pandemic, personal visits were suddenly no longer so popular. Thank you Corona After almost a year of waiting, we moved back to our hometown in July 2020.Here I was finally able to fully concentrate on my studies and plan my professional future.
In the master's program at the FH Eisenstadt, we were trained in several areas. From classic communication science to digital media, web design, social media, podcasts and video production, graphics and design to public relations and marketing. Everything was there. My colleagues also received sufficient instruction on how to set up a company, and already in the first year of study I felt the desire to set up my own business. Over the years I've been able to build up a good network in the industry and, as a real workhorse, I'm more than motivated enough to start all over again. Together with my best friend Mäx Glatzl, we developed a concept for a network that we wanted to be the hub of. This idea grew slowly until in the spring of 2022 I founded the Advertising Agency Bunte FEder.
In addition to my activities as a copywriter, ghostwriter and author, I now also offer and arrange services such as web design(with a focus on simple, cost-effective websites that the customer can easily manage themselves after acceptance), performance marketing (like Google search engine advertising), Social media support, logos and claims as well as the creation of texts and printed matter (Flyers, company newspaper, blog, business cards, posters, etc.).
Always with me and of course all inclusive: A large portion of humor!